Downsview Airport code (YZD)

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Downsview Airport is located in Toronto, Ontario and has been exclusively owned and used as a testing facility by Bombardier Aerospace since 1994. Downsview Airport has its own fire service (Bombardier Aerospace Emergency Services) which covers airport operations (using two airport fire rescue vehicles) and plant operations (using two SUV emergency vehicles). Bombardier Emergency Services employees are cross-trained as firefighters, first responders and airport security. It was built by de Havilland Canada for testing aircraft at the plant at the site.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Downsview Airport
Airport Keywords: Toronto Downsview Airport
Airport (IATA) Code: YZD


City: Toronto
Province: Ontario
Country: Canada (CA)
Continent: North America
Full Location: Toronto, ON, Canada


Latitude: 43.743649
Longitude: -79.465901
Elevation: 644 (Feet)

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