Totegegie Airport code (GMR)

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Totegegie Airport is an airport on Totegegie Island (in the Gambier Islands) French Polynesia. It is 9 km northeast of the village of Rikitea. The airport is found on Totegegie, which is one of Mangareva island's reefs approximately 9 km from Rikitea, the island's administrative settlement. It has the only building on the reef. Totegegie Airport is crucial in its role as the outside world's link to the more famous Pitcairn Island. One of the only ways a traveler can reach Pitcairn is to fly to Tahiti, then to Totegegie.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Totegegie Airport
Airport Keywords: Totegegie
Airport (IATA) Code: GMR


City: Rikitea
Sub-Division: Tahiti
Continent: Oceanic
Full Location: Rikitea, Tuamotos, French Polynesia


Latitude: -23.079058
Longitude: -134.891171
Elevation: 21 (Feet)

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