Dushanbe International Airport code (DYU)

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Dushanbe International Airport is an airport in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. Built in 1924, Dushanbe International was the first airport in Tajikistan. Until 1929, the city of Dushanbe was known in Russian as DYUshambe, explaining its three-letter code of DYU.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Dushanbe International Airport
Airport Keywords: Dushanbe Intl
Airport (IATA) Code: DYU


City: Dushanbe
Continent: Asia
Full Location: Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Website: Airport.tj


Latitude: 38.548686
Longitude: 68.815559
Elevation: 2589 (Feet)

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