Nemiscau Airport code (YNS)

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Nemiscau Airport is located 7.4 km southeast of Nemaska, Quebec, Canada, along Route du Nord at km 294. It was built and is operated by Hydro-Québec to serve their large electrical substations of Nemiscau and Albanel. Air Creebec has scheduled flights to and from this airport at the discretion of Hydro-Québec.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Nemiscau Airport
Airport Keywords: Nemiscau
Airport (IATA) Code: YNS


City: Nemiscau
Province: Quebec
Country: Canada (CA)
Continent: North America
Full Location: Nemiscau, QC, Canada


Latitude: 51.691037
Longitude: -76.135526
Elevation: 811 (Feet)

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