Sokol Airport code (GDX)

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Sokol Airport is an airport in Sokol in Magadan Oblast, Russia. The airport is located 70 km north of the Magadan city center. The airport is sometimes confused with Dolinsk-Sokol air base in Sakhalin Island. In 1991, the town gained exposure to the Western world with the inauguration of Alaska Airlines flights to the United States using McDonnell Douglas MD-80 jets.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Sokol Airport
Airport Keywords: Sokol
Airport (IATA) Code: GDX


City: Magadan
District: Magadan Oblast
Country: Russia (RU)
Continent: Asia
Full Location: Magadan, Magadan Oblast, Russia


Latitude: 59.912006
Longitude: 150.729195
Elevation: 578 (Feet)

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