Wairoa Airport code (WIR)

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Wairoa Airport is a small airport located in Wairoa, New Zealand. Wairoa Aerodrome provides a service for light aircraft and is used mainly for charter operations. Air Napier operates flights from Wairoa to Napier and Gisborne. Wairoa Aerodrome is located at the end of Airport Road, northwest of Wairoa.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Wairoa Airport
Airport Keywords: Wairoa
Airport (IATA) Code: WIR


City: Wairoa
Region: Hawke's Bay
Continent: Oceanic
Full Location: Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand


Latitude: -39.016283
Longitude: 177.406498
Elevation: 140 (Feet)

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