Dong Tac Airport code (TBB)

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Dong Tac Airport is located just south of Tuy Hòa within the Phú Yên Province, along the central coast of southern Vietnam. Dong Tac Airport’s code gets its first letter from its home city of Tuy Hoa. The other two letters come from “Bãi Biển”, which translates to “the beach” and represents its close proximity to Vietnam’s coast.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Dong Tac Airport
Airport Keywords: Dong Tac
Airport (IATA) Code: TBB


City: Tuy Hoa
Province: Hà Nội
Country: Vietnam (VN)
Continent: Asia
Full Location: Tuy Hoa, Phú Yên, Vietnam


Latitude: 21.218715
Longitude: 105.804171
Elevation: 43 (Feet)

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