Rota International Airport code (ROP)

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Rota International Airport, also known as Benjamin Taisacan Manglona International Airport. It is located on Rota Island in the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), near the village of Sinapalo. Although most U.S. airports use the same three-letter location identifier for the FAA and IATA, Rota International Airport is assigned GRO by the FAA and ROP by the IATA (which assigned GRO to Girona-Costa Brava Airport in Girona, Spain).

Airport Information

Airport Name: Rota International Airport
Airport Keywords: Rota Benjamin Taisacan Manglona
Airport (IATA) Code: ROP


City: Sinapalo
Island: Rota
Continent: Oceanic
Full Location: Sinapalo, Rota, Northern Mariana Islands


Latitude: 14.172008
Longitude: 145.243761
Elevation: 586 (Feet)

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