Frasca Field code (C16)

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Frasca Field is a privately owned public use airport located at the northern edge of Urbana in Champaign County, Illinois, United States. The airport serves the greater Champaign-Urbana Metropolitan Area in East Central Illinois. Frasca Field was previously owned and operated as Illini Airport by Louis Dyson. In 1980, Illini Airport was acquired by Frasca Air Service, and the name was changed to Frasca Field.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Frasca Field
Airport Keywords: Frasca Field
Airport (IATA) Code: C16


City: Urbana
State: Illinois
Continent: North America
Full Location: Urbana, IL, United States


Latitude: 40.144740
Longitude: -88.198024
Elevation: 730 (Feet)

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